MNMT-Dublin Symposium
MNMT-Dublin Symposium is a series of events on latest developments of design, manufacturing, metrology, and applications in bio-medical, photonic, optic, and relevant areas organized by UCD Centre of Micro/nano Manufacturing Technology since 2016.

Prof. Peter O’Brien
Dr. Peter O’Brien obtained his PhD in Physics from University College Cork in 1999. He has a Masters in Electronic Engineering and Degree in Physics from Trinity College Dublin. He was a postdoctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology and research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (Micro Devices Laboratory) where he worked on the development of millimetre wave devices for remote sensing applications. Dr O’Brien co-founded one (Biosensia) and founded a second company (Epi-Light).
MNMT-Dublin Symposium II: Integration and Packaging of Photonic Devices
Prof. Peter O’Brien from the Tyndall National Institute was invited to give a lecture on the overview of photonic and electronic packaging technologies developed at Tyndall. The technologies are now being brought to commercialisation through a Euro Pilot Line funded by the European Commission called PIXAPP. The Pilot Line provides users with a range of advanced photonic and electronic packaging capabilities, with the ability to scale manufacturing to medium volumes. PIXAPP is focused on offering standardised packaging technologies, and is working to establish a detailed set of packaging design rules and technology roadmaps. The talk also gave examples of how photonic packaging technologies are enabling user concepts to be prototyped and brought to market.

MNMT-Dublin Symposium II: Integration and Packaging of Photonic Devices
Prof. Peter O’Brien is Director of the European Photonics Packaging Pilot Line (PIXAPP) and head of the Photonics Packaging Group at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork. He is also Deputy Director of the SFI Center for Integrated Photonics (IPIC). His research group is a partner in 10 major EU-H2020 projects all focused on PIC technologies. Prof. O’Brien also leads the Packaging Working Group in the PIC World Technology Roadmap, which is an industry-led collaboration between Europe, the US and Asia.