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2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing (AETS2019)

2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing (AETS2019)

by MNMT-Dublin

The 2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing (AETS2019) was held on August 16-17 in Dublin, Ireland. AETS2019 was organized by the International Academy of Engineering and Technology. Some 100 delegates from various countries attended this great event.


AETS2019 was organized as a union of academic researchers and industrial leaders to promote collaborations between academia and industry. Professor Fengzhou Fang, as the conference chairman, delivered an introduction on Atomic & Close-to-Atomic Scale Manufacturing (ACSM) during the opening ceremony.


Ten distinguished experts from universities, research organizations, and companies shared their in-depth knowledge and insight addressing the development and applications of ACSM and the relevant technologies, stimulating extensive discussions during the event. Industrial exhibitions, on-site networking and technical tours were also organized during the conference.

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