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Guest visit by Prof. Keiji Nagai, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Guest visit by Prof. Keiji Nagai, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Prof. Fengzhou Fang welcomed Prof. Keiji Nagai from Tokyo Institute of Technology for a guest talk on behalf of the Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology. Dr. Christopher Musgrave presided over the meeting and all researchers from MNMT attended the talk. Prof. Nagai's research broadly falls into the category of energy conversion materials with two specific themes of laser quantum sources and artificial photocatalysts. He talked about the following two topics:
1. Organophotocatalyst from VOC mineralization to artificial photosynthesis - The present photocatalyst is full organic system without any metals (ions), and responses to full spectrum of visible light, sometimes reaching to near infrared. A film style photocatalyst performs macroscopic site separation of redox as both sides of polymer film. It is possible to construct a high throughput reactor with layering of the polymer film photocatalyst. Furthermore, a high throughput synthesis of the photocatalyst as water suspension has already commercialised by the use of a microfluid device. Furthermore, the present system exhibited water splitting in the presence of small bias potential and visible light illumination to stoichiometric O2 and H2 generation.
2. Target fabrication and supply for high repetition laser quantum sources - Recent laser technology provides low cost and extremely high intense laser intensity with high repetition. Low density materials give efficient laser light absorption as volume heating effect. Application of laser produced plasmas is focusing not only by academia, but also industry. A typical example is an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source for semiconductor lithography. For such systems the required laser repetition rate is 100 kHz illuminating targets made of liquid tin. The dynamics control of the pre-pulse for liquid tin targets is a crucial issue for long term operation. In order to avoid such challenging control requirements pre-fabricated other quantum beam source. Here we introduce efficient targets to produce EUV or more energetic quantum beam from high power laser. Our current research for high repeating target will be introduced at the presentation.